As is mentioned in The Glorious Qur’an
"And hold fast,
All together, by the rope
Which Allah (stretches out for you),
and be not divided among yourselves;"
The Holy Qur'an, Chapter 3, Verse 103
Which is the rope of Allah that is being referred to in this verse? It is the Glorious Qur’an. The Glorious Qur’an is the rope of Allah which all Muslims should hold fast together. There is double emphasis in this verse. Besides saying ‘hold fast all together’ it also says, ‘be not divided’.
- It is Prohibited to make sects and divisions in Islam
The Glorious Qur’an says:
"As for those who divide
Their religion and break up
Into sects, thou hast
No part in them in the least:
Their affair is with Allah:
He will in the end
Tell them the truth
Of all that they did."
The Holy Qur'an, Chapter 6, Verse 159
In this verse Allah (swt) says that one should disassociate oneself from those who divide their religion and break it up into sects.
- Qur’an says call yourselves Muslim
If anyone poses a Muslim the question who are you, he should say "I am a MUSLIM, not a Hanafi or a Shafi". Surah Fussilat chapter 41 verse 33 says
"Who is better in speech
Than one who calls (men)
To Allah, works righteousness,
And says, ‘I am of those
Who bow in Islam (Muslim)?’"
The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 41, Verse 33.
The Qur’an says "Say I am of those who bow in Islam". In other words, say, "I am a Muslim".
The Prophet (pbuh) dictated letters to non-Muslim kings and rulers inviting them to accept Islam. In these letters he mentioned the verse of the Qur’an from Surah Ali Imran chapter 3 verse 64:
Say ye: "Bear witness
That we (at least)
Are Muslims (bowing To Allah’s Will)."
The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 3, Verse 64.
The video clip i posted is denouncing Sunni-Shiite Terrorism in Iraq, aired on Al-Arabiya TV(Dubai/Saudi Arabia)
Sectarion violence must be stopped in order to preserve the sanctuary of Islam. Iraq, the precious homeland of members of the Family of the Prophet, and some of the Prophets respected companions is witnessing, not only brutal occupation by the non-believers, but the believers mercilessly killing one another!
The vocal minority of "muslims" are succeeding in seperating the Great Islamic Nation just how the Western Occupiers have planned for many years, and us Muslims, as followers of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) should try our utmost best to achieve unity through discussion, and single out the ignorant people bent on causing sectarion strife among the Shia and the Sunni, as many great Muslim scholars have said, those who attempt to cause division between the Sunni and the Shia are NEITHER Sunni, nor Shia!!
For more info about how to be united,please visit: link 1 ,link 2 ,link 3 ,link 4