This blog has been prepared in accordance with the Nation Of Islam official website and other Islamic websites. Please correct me if you find anything wrong in this blog and warn me because i searched on that topic so much but yet i think i can say something wrong. I want to talk about the group called "Nation Of Islam" . I used to think that they have nothing against to Islam and they were just a normal society and has proper rituals like we have. When i looked deep i saw that WE are totally different from THEM. Here it comes...
Lets think about the cornerstone meaning of being a Muslim. To be Muslim means to hold certain fundamental theological beliefs. Someone takes shahada (the Muslim profession of faith) and becomes a Muslim and every Muslim takes shahada to refresh his faith and that is:
"I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and I bear witness that Mohammed is a prophet of God."
When we say that we cannot put another being in the same class with God or His messenger. The "Nation of Islam" does not support the basic tenets of Islamic theology. They believe that God appeared on earth in the person of their founder, a "great man from the East", Master W. Fard Muhammad, a preacher who first came to public attention in the USA on July 4, 1930 then mysteriously "departed the scene" on February 26, 1934.
First picture is "Master" W. Fard Muhammad in whose person God appeared in early 1930's America, according to Nation of Islam beliefs.
Second one is "Honorable" Elijah Muhammad, the "prophet" of the Nation of Islam.
The last one is Louis Farrakhan, current leader of the Nation of Islam, finally allowed to enter the UK after a court orders the lifting of a 15-year government ban.
As they declare in their website:
"WE BELIEVE that Allah (God) appeared in the Person of Master W. Fard Muhammad, July, 1930; the long-awaited "Messiah" of the Christians and the "Mahdi" of the Muslims."
While the group calls its followers Muslims, in reality, they have very little to do with the faith of Islam. Islam believes in the total transcendance of almighty God (called in Arabic, Allah), the NOI teaches that black people are angelic gods. Islam maintains universal brotherhood, the NOI says that Islam is for blacks only. Islam teaches that prophethood ended with Muhammad ibn Abdullah, more than 1400 years ago. The NOI teaches that Farrakhan's teacher, Elijah Muhammad, is the last prophet.
They think that blacks are superior than whites and they're the chosen people from God. They call for a separate homeland for American blacks, for racially segregated education and for a ban on interracial marriage.
They declare in their website :
*We believe we are the people of God's choice.
*We believe this is the time in history for the separation of the so-called Negroes and the so-called white Americans.
*We want our people in America whose parents or grandparents were descendants from slaves, to be allowed to establish a separate state or territory of their own--either on this continent or elsewhere.
*We want all black children educated, taught and trained by their own teachers.
*We believe that intermarriage or race mixing should be prohibited.
These thoughts are totally against of Islam. When we look at the Holy Qur'an :
"And mankind is naught but a single nation." Holy Quran 2:213
"O Mankind! Most certainly, it is We (God almighty) who have Created you all from a single (pair) of a male and a female, And it is We who have made you into nations and tribes, that ye may recognize each other. Verily, the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you." Holy Quran 49:13
Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) said it clearly in his last sermon that racism has nothing to do with Islam:
"O people! Verily your Lord is one and your father is one. All of you belong to one ancestry of Adam and Adam was created out of clay. There is no superiority for an Arab over a non-Arab and for a non-Arab over an Arab; nor for white over the black nor for the black over the white except in piety. Verily the noblest among you is he who is the most pious.
Despite the major negatives, there are some common beliefs between Islam and the Nation of Islam
For example:
*We believe In the One God whose proper Name is Allah.
*We believe in the Holy Qur'an and in the Scriptures of all the Prophets of God.
*We believe in Allah's Prophets and the Scriptures they brought to the people.
*We believe our women should be respected and protected as the women of other nationalities are respected and protected
We have much more common beliefs too...The NOI prohibits drinking, smoking and gambling. They are also known for their social work among the black community and their often successful efforts to raise levels of self-discipline and self-confidence in a community which has suffered from historical injustice and its debilitating long-term social and psychological effects often manifested in nihilistic, violent, drug-ridden American inner city and housing project ghettos and characterized by family breakdown including a high illegitimate birth rate. But these facts cannot justify their wrong ideas and wrong beliefs about the prophethood of Elijah Mohammed and God's existence on earth.
How come can a human being in his creation have so much courage to oppose God's command and imposse his opinion like he knows the truth of the unseen world. May God have mercy on Elijah Muhamad's soul and forgive him!
Every action ever performed by human beings untill the end of time, including each tought significant or fleeting, is already inscribed in the transcendent Kur'an. The encompassing awareness of Allah.
"On the Day of Resurrection Allah will hold the whole earth and fold the heaven with His right hand and say, 'I am the King: where are the kings of the earth?" '
On the death of Elijah Mohammed in 1976 his son Wallace D. Muhammad (now known as Imam Warrithuddin Mohammed) assumed NOI leadership, renamed the organization the Muslim American Society and steered it toward Islamic orthodoxy. After three years a disgruntled Louis Farrakhan broke away and re-founded the NOI in line with the teachings of Elijah Mohammed. But in February this year, Farrakhan, recovering from a serious battle with prostate cancer which may have given him cause to reflect, shared a platform with Wallace and made an important move toward mainstream Islam by declaring:
"Allah sent Mohammed with the final revelation to the world. ... There is no prophet after the Prophet Mohammed , and no book after the Koran."

I want to mention about Malcolm X too. Malcolm X used to preach the teachings of NOI until he went on Hajj, the pilgramage to Makkah, then he seperated himself from NOI when he saw integration at there. Whites prostrated themselves next to blacks who prostrated themselves next to browns etc. he saw the beauty of this and said this is what Islam is all about. He then went on to reject the teaching ot NOI. On his return from the pilgramage he had an analogy for those people he knew who still preachs hatred towards whites: "If some men are in a car, driving with a destination in mind and you know they are going the wrong way but they are convinced they are going the right way, and then you get into the car with them, talking- and finally when theysee they are on the wrong road, not getting where they intended, then you tell them, and they will listen to you then what road to take"
And one of his another quote was like that :
"I declare emphatically that I am no longer in Elijah Muhammad's 'strait jacket', and I don't intend to replace his with one woven by someone else. I am a Muslim in the most orthodox sense; my religion is Islam as it is believed in and practiced by the Muslims in the Holy City of Mecca."
Malcolm X was killed due to the fact that those members of the NOI thought they were doing "the right thing" in the enviorment created by the NOI. They thought Malcolm X left NOI and deserved to be killed. May God be pleased with him, he was a great man and always tried his best.
I hope i didn't say anything wrong, if i did may God forgive me. Ameen.
Peace and blessings